I realise that I have been horrible in updating my blog. Best intentions and all....but alas, here I am to try to catch up in a nut shell.
Well, where to start?Let's see...the kids are done with school for the summer (oy vey) and we are waiting patiently for summer to begin. Yes, yes, I know it is July, but to look out the window you would think it was March or April, the way the weather has been. I just want the sun!
Which leads me to our plans for the summer! Graciously, my father has invited me and the kids down to stay with them in his newly acquired beach house for a bit and to soak up some sun! I was debating on whether to go or not for some time(he got the house in May, and asked then, but I was worried about going on a vacation without my husband, how fair is that?!). With the hubsters work schedule and all that, he had been pushing me to go(don't I feel loved?) and with some help from my dad(who will be supplementing our gas expenses for the Suburban) I finally decided to get the heck out of dodge and go play on the Gulf! What is even better is, since it is such a long drive-I mean c'mon, Maine to Florida?-a dear friend is going with me to help with the driving. Plans for when we get down there? Oh well, besides lots of beachy fruity drinking...lol, there will be scallop fishing? Don't know if that is the right term...but whatever, we are going to get scallops from the ocean, whatever the hell you call it! Possibly a trip to Busch Gardens and a trip to Disney/Universal as well. Lots of relaxing to be sure. Going to have to select the books for the trip, and my next crochet project as well, sure just add all that to my ever growing list.
Then on the way home, I am making plans to stop and visit a BFF who I have not seen in some time, and I cannot wait to give her a BIG hug! How I miss you so much!
Not too long after we return, I have some "official" business to attend to, as ombudsman, so looking forward to that. Hey I feel I can do anything with a nice dark tan! Afterwards, it will only be a few weeks before the school year begins again for the kids so shopping will be involved. At some point this fall/winter, we will be moving once again. Probably back to Connecticut for a bit then on to wherever. Not sure if another west pac will be involved or not, still up in the air. Oh then of course my brother's wedding. I am glad that he has invited us, but I am just a bit nervous as to the drama potential. I hope for his and my sake that it goes smoothly, but who knows with psycho?
At that point, i will need to sleep. During all of this mind you, I am still furthering my education online and will be carrying two classes at a time instead of one to be able to receive the financial aid grant from the military. It is going good now, but I am only taking one class right now. Just finished my midterm, excited I got 70 of 80 questions right on one part. I hope I did well on the essays, I hate writing and sometimes I go on tangents and such and it never makes sense. Plus, I am not a grammar diva by any means. I mean I know enough to sound smart, but thats about it. English was never my strong suit, I am more of a science/history girl. Math sucks..lol
Thing 1 is excited, they moved 4th grade to the middle school. Mom is not excited! We shall see what happens, but I am not too hopeful. Thing 2 starts 2nd grade this year, they grow so fast.
Well, I think that pretty much covers everything for awhile. Check my facebook for pictures, I want to take a bunch on vacation and post them when I get back, sometime in August I am sure they will show up!
Ok, well have a good summer and see ya on the flip side!
05 July 2009
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