22 March 2009

Fed Up

I am sick. Very sick. You know what I am sick of? The God damn politics happening in Washington these days. I am sick of hearing people throwing out the word Recession. I am sick of grown men and women who are supposed to be intelligent, making the most stupid decisions I have ever seen! Yes, I am a Republican. I will say it loud and proud. I am disgusted by the way the so called government thinks it should step in and save failing companies! Any company. I don't care if it is the local mom and pop store, a big auto group or a bank. Excuse my language, but fuck them! In a free market system, business succeed and fail, period. End of story. Yes, life may suck for some if Ford goes under, bu you know what? Then that would create a vacuum and some other company would step into it's place and things continue. Get a life, this whole thing pisses me off to no end. It puts a mood on the "masses" to make them all act like idiots. I saw a news report awhile back about people who are ABLE to pay their mortgages NOT paying them, because UNDER THE ADVICE OF THE BANK when they wanted to "get a good deal" STOPPED BEING RESPONSIBLE CITIZENS TO GET A BETTER INTEREST RATE! WTF? Are you kidding me? You are fully capable of paying your bills on time and in full but don't cause you feel jipped and want to get in on the handout help? Come on, grow up. People wonder what the problem of this country is. I will tell you. It is this attitude that we are entitled to something and don't have to work or save to get anything. I am scared for the future of MY children because the generation coming up (the college kids, high school students) have this mentality that they should. Not that they could, if they work hard and make the right choices, but that since they they were born, it is their right. I am sorry, there is nowhere in the Bill of Rights that says that. Have they stopped teaching American History in school? I try to instill good values and ethics onto my children, and I will continue to do so. Working against me though is Washington. If your company is going under, bu-bye! If your stocks are tanking, ciao! If you lost your job, uh go find another. Trust me, all of us have been there. What makes you so special that you get extended unemployment benefits, whereas, I was offered a pittance of $30 a week when I lost my job? And that was before taxes! How are you so special that you can use your government funds, in the form of food stamps to go buy food, that is neither, nutritionally applicable to a ROCK let alone a human being, and then to say you have TOO MUCH food, and are giving it to people who have no need of assistance?? I found something one time that brought up a good point. Why are we as job seekers and tax payers put through drug testing for employment to be able to make money to pay our taxes, yet those who stand in line for government assistance do not go through any sort of screening at all? Think about it...how do we know where our tax money is going? How do we know that Joe Schmoe is going to Shaw's and buying food to feed his family, and not buying food to sell to make money for his drug habit? There are some serious fundamental flaws in the system. Especially when Unions are calling the shots, but I digress, Unions is a WHOLE nother ring of Hell that I just don't want to get into today. I am upset and angry and I want to know what I can do to change the future that my children will be inheriting. Makes me sick just to think about it. Oh, and I also would like all those people who have no idea what the hell is going on, but yet seem to be the ones the media flocks to for interview and/or opinion to GO BACK TO YOU TRAILER PARK AND SHUT THE FUCK UP. Yes, I am stereotyping, and I don't care. But you know I am right. Phew, that was a nice tangent.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whoa Mamma!!!! You go girl! I don't think I could agree any more with you on any point you brought out here. I, too, worry about the future of my young'n but I will continue to instill within her the concepts of good moral and ethic values (and you KNOW that's the truth).