26 February 2009

On this day...

....9 years ago, I became a mother for the first time in my life. I am in shock! First, I still cannot believe that i am OLD enough to be a mother to a 9 year old! Second, I am in disbelief that my baby is growing up so fast! I can remember her being so tiny (well, relatively, she was almost 10 pounds and 26 inches long at birth) and helpless, and now Thing 1 is little miss ATTITUDE!
Needless to say, she had a wonderful celebration of her birthday. She got her favorite meal for dinner, and her requested cake, and of course, presents! Sure, dad got all the kudos, cause his present was the best in her eyes, but what can you do?
I love my baby, and I am sure I will be the mother crying her eyes out at high school graduation wishing' my little bundle of joy was taking her first steps instead of getting ready to leave the nest and venture out on her own. Oh, the joys of parenthood.
Happy Birthday Honey, I love you with all my heart. You are growing up so fast...it would not hurt my feelings at all if you slowed down just a tad!
Love you with all of my heart,

18 February 2009

ok, so here is Thing 2, still new to this whole blog thing, could nto figure out how to put them all on 1 post, maybe HRH's momma can help me on that one!lol

and here she is again...

and finally....

OK this is a short one, just wanted to put up some videos of Thing 1 &2 at their latest school events. The first is Thing 1 doing her Native American presentation and the rest are of Thing 2 at her schools winter concert...can you find her there? It is like my own Where's Waldo for you!


13 February 2009

Sorry about the MIA

Well, I know I have been horrible about keeping up with posting, but I have a great excuse! The family has been under the weather, and of course life gets in the way as well. I promise, today and/or this weekend, I will be adding new posts. There has been a bunch of craziness around here, and I can't wait to get the time to update you all!

03 February 2009

News that makes me happy, I am so going to hell!

OK, so I should say right off the bat that I am not an evil person generally. Really I'm not! But have you ever come across someone in your life, who, for whatever reason, just pisses you right the f*** off? Well I have! It is weird too, because it is not like I have ever had any sort of lengthy conversation with said person, let's call them P from now on to make it easier! They just get on my nerves with their actions and attitude I guess. Frankly, if you think you are better than everyone else, guess what? You're not. Just because no one else feels the need to "flaunt" things to the entire world does not make you better than them. You do not know me. You have no idea what my educational background is! You do not know what jobs I have held or are currently holding. Know why? Because I do not flaunt such things to ANYONE let alone you. I am the bigger person. There is no need for snide remarks or gawking at other people when they are able to have a good time and you have a stick shoved so far up your ass that you can't actually relax. Guess what? I had no idea that I was that IMPORTANT in the grand scheme of things that you need to take pictures of US having fun, while you scratch your ass and watch us. Wow, didn't know I had that much interest! Here is what I have to say to that: GROW UP!
Then I find out, oh you're not as "cool" as you think we think you are! Yea that's right, people talk, and things get found out. Sucks don't it? Unfortunately for me, I AM THE BIGGER PERSON so I WON'T say anything to anyone. Can I say the same thing if the situation was reversed? Honestly, no I don't think I could. You, P, are the type of person who would go gossiping to every last person in your phone book to share this juicy information if the roles were switched. The sad thing is, I feel sorry for you. I genuinely feel bad for your current situation and I hope it gets better. Yes, and if you even asked for my help or guidance, I would offer what I could to assist you. Whatever, now I know that you are not what you think you are and that everything you are is smoke and mirrors. Live with that, and wonder why I am smirking when I see you.

02 February 2009

Go Steelers!

Well I have to say, I am glad that this gets to be my first post into the world of blogging! I watched the game last night, and now I am so tired that I cannot even stand it! Being born and raised in Pittsburgh, football (especially Steelers football) is in my blood. Wish I could have been in town for the parties that I am are still going on even as I type this entry! I am so happy that the home team won! Very proud of our guys, they deserve it!
So, me and the hubby threw a Super Bowl party last night, had about 15 people over and ate ourselves silly, and drank ourselves blind! Why does the Super Bowl have to be on a Sunday? We have to get up early on Monday and go to work, the kids have to get off to school, and people have to travel. Would it not make sense that a huge sporting event as this could be an exception to the regular schedule and be held say Friday night? Hell, even Saturday Night? Makes sense to me! That way you can stay up all night partying away the night, and not have to worry about work or school, and just have a great time? I need to put that little tidbit of information into the ears of the powers that be! Wow, every once in awhile I get a great thought! Any who, back tot eh party...we had so much food it was crazy! Hot wings, pepperoni bread, ribs, chili, cheese fondue, chocolate fondue, chips and dips of many different varieties....and I completely forgot to even make the lil' smokies and Velveeta cheese dip! Mmmm, it was tasty and now we will be eating leftovers for a month! I went all out too. Got out my Super Bowl Box (yes I have one of those) and got out the beads and leis, crepe paper, balloons, clappers, terrible towels, pom poms...Everything completely decked out in black and gold. We even had a score poll and won $15 out of it too!
Needless to say I was very happy with it, had a great time with good friends, and to top it all off, the Steelers pulled it off and won the 6th ring to add to their collection! Way to Go Steelers!