So probably everyone who has a blog VOWS to write all the time and not take long breaks (just as I have done several times, by teh way). So yeah, another promise broken!
Well, this summer has been good. I took a huge road trip with things 1 &2 and also a family friend from Maine to Florida and back again, with several stops along the way. I have to say, I am not a in the know blogger, so I can't put pictures up here, but they are all successfully on my Facebook page. So the trip in a nutshell...
My Daddy and stepmother (who I will call mom from now on) recently purchased a beach house near Tampa, Fl this spring, and really wanted us to come and visit. Well, unfortunately, Hubby has had a real tough schedule at work, so he was unable to join us, but wanted me and the kids to go regardless. I wanted to go, but with gas for my baby, and such a long drive, I thought it prudent to have another adult with me. Also so I didn't accidentally kill the kids in a fit of rage :)
Thankfully my girlfriend and her son agreed to join us on this trek, so off we went.
Our first stop was my family home in the 'Burgh. Got to visit my grandma & papap, as well as my aunts and uncles, cousins and a very dear friend who I had not seen in just about 9 years! It was so much fun catching up with her, and going out to dinner with her and her husband, and another friend from back in the was really nice and great to catch up!
Of course, me and the girls also got to spend some quality time with family, which was great! Even participated in a "ceremony" of sorts with my aunt who was trying to sell her house, lol. Let me tell you, whatever she did, it worked cause I got a text on another leg of the journey that said they had sold it!
So, after about a week in the 'Burgh, my girlfriend and son joined us at grams, and off we went on the long, long drive to Tampa. We left at 3:30pm and got into town at 7am! Let me tell ya, no matter how big and comfy your vehicle is, no drive that long is fun! Of course, being where we were, I HAD to have my Waffle House fix, so before meeting my dad, we all stopped to have double covered and capped hash browns...mmm :)
So then, oh mind you the girls had no idea where we were or what we were doing! How the heck I pulled that off, I will never know! We get to my dad's house and I tell the kids.."Hmm, Gertrude must have made a wrong turn somewhere, this does not look like Maine, let's go up to this house and ask where we are.." Oh my goodness, if you could have been there...Jaws hit the floor when they saw gram and papap open the door! Highlight and worth every inconvenience on the trip! The girls were stoked!
Since it was so early, papap and grandma took all the kids out with them do run errand while my girlfriend and I slept. When I say we were dead to the world for a good 5-6 hours, I am not kidding. Best sleep I ever had!
Vacation in Florida was awesome! Really needed it. Got to go to the beach, sponge docks, and my aunt's house and had a blast. The kids loved the early morning time on the dock with papap and grams, one morning in particular, they were all out there and 3 dolphins swam right by, scared the bejeebers outta thing 1, pulled those feet outta the water so fast(we think she thought it was a shark at first, lol) and screamed. Those fish were large, dad thinks at least 8 feet or so. Unfortunately, no one had a camera on them at the time, so we got no pictures, but don't worry, ask any of the three kids and they will tell ya all about it!
Oh also got to see my step brother and his girlfriend of several years on the trip too! That was nice, last time I saw him was 2005. They live in Orlando, which is a good arch into the next paragraph!
After a week at dad's it was time to continue on to Orlando. My step brother and his girlfriend work at Universal Studios and Disney respectively, so she got us free day hopper tickets to the happiest place on earth. That was fun! We started our day at Hollywood Studios, with a street show of HSM3 (and if you don't know what that is, you don't have kids) under the wizard's hat, then character pictures with Minnie, Tigger and Eyeore!
Next stop was the Tower of Terror! Fun! Everyone had a great time. Next was off to the Rockin Roller Coaster. Here I pause. There is no sign-visible to my eyes anyhow-that said this roller coaster goes upside down! So, imagine my *cough, cough* surprise when a few seconds into the ride, I find myself defying gravity!? Now, I love a good whirly woo but, I also like to be prepared for it! On this ride I broke my sunglasses :( Very upsetting, but the ride was fun, so I guess it all evened out!
Well after that, it was time to move on to the next park.
Off we go to Animal Kingdom...never been to this park before myself so I was excited! Here we went and saw the Tree of Life, then went on a raging river ride in Tibet, and climbed Mt. Everest with a Yeti hot on our heels! Weirdly enough the lines were longer here than in Hollywood off we went to Epcot!
I love Epcot. It has always been my favorite of the Disney theme parks. I love the world section, and the Imagination Station and all of that. Here, we went to first, Test Track! Now, good ride, but by far my high was afterwards getting to be up close and personal with my baby...the all new 2010 Chevy Camaro *sigh* Unfortunately, the lady would not let me sit in it, as my clothes were still wet from another ride, but I did run my right index finger over the side of her, so smooth, and shiny. I tell ya, I cannot wait to turn 40 just so I can get my baby (that is a self imposed rule, that I get my Camaro for my 40th birthday, no ifs, ands or buts about it!)
Then we were off to Mars. Mission to Mars is a classic Disney sim ride, very fun and Gary Sinise (is that how you spell it?) was a nice peice of eye candy to boot!
By then it was getting pretty late, but off we went to start our world tour. First stop, Mexico! Went on the cute Donald Duck boat ride, and by the time we were done, there was not a lot of time left before the coveted laser/fireworks show, so we secured our spots and got a few margarita's (hey, we were in Mexico after all) and waited. Got the whole show on video. Beautiful!
I love Disney. We all had a great time, and the only thing that could have made it better, was being there with my husband, and being able to spend 10 days or so instead of 10 hours. Let me tell you Disney in a day, although possible, I do not endorse it at all!
So after buying up our portion of goodies at the gift shop, off we went to the hotel to get some shut eye. The next day we were going to Sea World, so we needed all the rest we could!
Not going to say too much about SW, just because I am numb to it, growing up 2 hours from SW Ohio, we went all the time. To me, once you have seen a turtle, you have seen them all!
I do have to say though that the dolphin show was wonderful! So was the Shamu show too, but of the two, I preferred the dolphins this year.
Oh, when we were leaving, we got stuck in a typical Florida downpour. Honestly I think I am still drying out, it was BAD! But 20 minutes and it was over, and a beautiful rainbow came out.
Then we continued on our trek to my uncle's house in Edgewater to say hi. It was nice seeing my uncle and aunt, and meeting my little cousin for the first time. They also got to meet the girls as well. Stayed and chatted for a few hours and off we went to do a Daytona drive by! Can't see much of the track in the dark, but our tag-a-longs had never been and are huge NASCAR fans so I had to at least show them what we could!
Then on to Georgia! Got into Kings Bay at 1:30am or so and got a room. Then in the morning, I took them all to the swamp, cause I mean really, you can't go to Kings Bay and not go to
Then on to one of my BFF's homes to spend some time. Love that we got to stay for a day and visit, had not seen them in some time since they moved, and the girls all just fell into place like no time at all had elapsed since they last played together! Went to St. John's for dinner, and introduced GF to hush puppies! Spent the night, and left for the 'Burgh in the morning. Thank you all so much, GA friends, for your hospitality and kindness while we were there! Miss you all so much everyday!
Made it to PA at 1am, to get GF's car and off we went to go home. Pretty much uneventful until a damn trucker lost his wench and I ran it over and got a flat tire, no fun on a busy highway at the end of a long trip. Had to pay to get it fixed, but on we went, and made it home safe and sound.
All in all it was a wonderful trip, and even though I am kinda bitching about it now, I would do it again in a heartbeat!
This was a great summer, and I will always have the memories to share from it.
06 September 2009
05 July 2009
My life so far...
I realise that I have been horrible in updating my blog. Best intentions and all....but alas, here I am to try to catch up in a nut shell.
Well, where to start?Let's see...the kids are done with school for the summer (oy vey) and we are waiting patiently for summer to begin. Yes, yes, I know it is July, but to look out the window you would think it was March or April, the way the weather has been. I just want the sun!
Which leads me to our plans for the summer! Graciously, my father has invited me and the kids down to stay with them in his newly acquired beach house for a bit and to soak up some sun! I was debating on whether to go or not for some time(he got the house in May, and asked then, but I was worried about going on a vacation without my husband, how fair is that?!). With the hubsters work schedule and all that, he had been pushing me to go(don't I feel loved?) and with some help from my dad(who will be supplementing our gas expenses for the Suburban) I finally decided to get the heck out of dodge and go play on the Gulf! What is even better is, since it is such a long drive-I mean c'mon, Maine to Florida?-a dear friend is going with me to help with the driving. Plans for when we get down there? Oh well, besides lots of beachy fruity, there will be scallop fishing? Don't know if that is the right term...but whatever, we are going to get scallops from the ocean, whatever the hell you call it! Possibly a trip to Busch Gardens and a trip to Disney/Universal as well. Lots of relaxing to be sure. Going to have to select the books for the trip, and my next crochet project as well, sure just add all that to my ever growing list.
Then on the way home, I am making plans to stop and visit a BFF who I have not seen in some time, and I cannot wait to give her a BIG hug! How I miss you so much!
Not too long after we return, I have some "official" business to attend to, as ombudsman, so looking forward to that. Hey I feel I can do anything with a nice dark tan! Afterwards, it will only be a few weeks before the school year begins again for the kids so shopping will be involved. At some point this fall/winter, we will be moving once again. Probably back to Connecticut for a bit then on to wherever. Not sure if another west pac will be involved or not, still up in the air. Oh then of course my brother's wedding. I am glad that he has invited us, but I am just a bit nervous as to the drama potential. I hope for his and my sake that it goes smoothly, but who knows with psycho?
At that point, i will need to sleep. During all of this mind you, I am still furthering my education online and will be carrying two classes at a time instead of one to be able to receive the financial aid grant from the military. It is going good now, but I am only taking one class right now. Just finished my midterm, excited I got 70 of 80 questions right on one part. I hope I did well on the essays, I hate writing and sometimes I go on tangents and such and it never makes sense. Plus, I am not a grammar diva by any means. I mean I know enough to sound smart, but thats about it. English was never my strong suit, I am more of a science/history girl. Math
Thing 1 is excited, they moved 4th grade to the middle school. Mom is not excited! We shall see what happens, but I am not too hopeful. Thing 2 starts 2nd grade this year, they grow so fast.
Well, I think that pretty much covers everything for awhile. Check my facebook for pictures, I want to take a bunch on vacation and post them when I get back, sometime in August I am sure they will show up!
Ok, well have a good summer and see ya on the flip side!
Well, where to start?Let's see...the kids are done with school for the summer (oy vey) and we are waiting patiently for summer to begin. Yes, yes, I know it is July, but to look out the window you would think it was March or April, the way the weather has been. I just want the sun!
Which leads me to our plans for the summer! Graciously, my father has invited me and the kids down to stay with them in his newly acquired beach house for a bit and to soak up some sun! I was debating on whether to go or not for some time(he got the house in May, and asked then, but I was worried about going on a vacation without my husband, how fair is that?!). With the hubsters work schedule and all that, he had been pushing me to go(don't I feel loved?) and with some help from my dad(who will be supplementing our gas expenses for the Suburban) I finally decided to get the heck out of dodge and go play on the Gulf! What is even better is, since it is such a long drive-I mean c'mon, Maine to Florida?-a dear friend is going with me to help with the driving. Plans for when we get down there? Oh well, besides lots of beachy fruity, there will be scallop fishing? Don't know if that is the right term...but whatever, we are going to get scallops from the ocean, whatever the hell you call it! Possibly a trip to Busch Gardens and a trip to Disney/Universal as well. Lots of relaxing to be sure. Going to have to select the books for the trip, and my next crochet project as well, sure just add all that to my ever growing list.
Then on the way home, I am making plans to stop and visit a BFF who I have not seen in some time, and I cannot wait to give her a BIG hug! How I miss you so much!
Not too long after we return, I have some "official" business to attend to, as ombudsman, so looking forward to that. Hey I feel I can do anything with a nice dark tan! Afterwards, it will only be a few weeks before the school year begins again for the kids so shopping will be involved. At some point this fall/winter, we will be moving once again. Probably back to Connecticut for a bit then on to wherever. Not sure if another west pac will be involved or not, still up in the air. Oh then of course my brother's wedding. I am glad that he has invited us, but I am just a bit nervous as to the drama potential. I hope for his and my sake that it goes smoothly, but who knows with psycho?
At that point, i will need to sleep. During all of this mind you, I am still furthering my education online and will be carrying two classes at a time instead of one to be able to receive the financial aid grant from the military. It is going good now, but I am only taking one class right now. Just finished my midterm, excited I got 70 of 80 questions right on one part. I hope I did well on the essays, I hate writing and sometimes I go on tangents and such and it never makes sense. Plus, I am not a grammar diva by any means. I mean I know enough to sound smart, but thats about it. English was never my strong suit, I am more of a science/history girl. Math
Thing 1 is excited, they moved 4th grade to the middle school. Mom is not excited! We shall see what happens, but I am not too hopeful. Thing 2 starts 2nd grade this year, they grow so fast.
Well, I think that pretty much covers everything for awhile. Check my facebook for pictures, I want to take a bunch on vacation and post them when I get back, sometime in August I am sure they will show up!
Ok, well have a good summer and see ya on the flip side!
15 May 2009
On the bandwagon....
Well, with what seems like every single on of my friends on the road to better health and a slimmer waistline...I decided that I should give it ago. Last week I spent most of my "down time" at Barnes & Noble scouring the health and diet section for a lifestyle change that would easily fit into my life, and hopefully get me on the road to clothes that don't have to be bought at a special "plus size" shop. All this led me to the Flat Belly Diet, every heard of it? Well, I have read the book through, and the science behind it seems rational. The meal plan will work for me, (for the most part). The price of the ingredients is not super high. Cut to the chase, I did the Anti-bloat jump start part of the diet, and am extremely happy with my results. Granted, I know the weight lost is mostly (if not all) water weight, but I did shed a substantial amount of inches as well.
Tonight, I have to admit, I am not doing so great. But, I blame this on wonderful mother nature bringing me my "gift" (and who the hell made up THAT term? How could it ever be classified as a GIFT??) so my tummy is quite a bit upset at the moment. And for me, well lets just say good thing there are no Doritos in the will power not that great at the moment! One surprising thing, it was easy for me to give up my diet mountain dew. Gasp! I know, there has been no carbonated beverage in my system for 4 days now! Had a mild head ache the first day when I woke up, but it went away relatively quickly once I had some food in me. Don't think for a second that I quit smoking though...I am not going too overboard, baby steps people!
So, anyhow, the whole program is 32 days long, and I am anxious to see how I will fare. If all goes well, I will just continue with the diet plan to reach my goal and beyond for maintaining. If not, well then at least I will have picked up a few more healthy eating habits and still be on a better path. I figure this along with my mostly daily gym regimen, I should be losing something right? lol I mean besides money...
Tonight, I have to admit, I am not doing so great. But, I blame this on wonderful mother nature bringing me my "gift" (and who the hell made up THAT term? How could it ever be classified as a GIFT??) so my tummy is quite a bit upset at the moment. And for me, well lets just say good thing there are no Doritos in the will power not that great at the moment! One surprising thing, it was easy for me to give up my diet mountain dew. Gasp! I know, there has been no carbonated beverage in my system for 4 days now! Had a mild head ache the first day when I woke up, but it went away relatively quickly once I had some food in me. Don't think for a second that I quit smoking though...I am not going too overboard, baby steps people!
So, anyhow, the whole program is 32 days long, and I am anxious to see how I will fare. If all goes well, I will just continue with the diet plan to reach my goal and beyond for maintaining. If not, well then at least I will have picked up a few more healthy eating habits and still be on a better path. I figure this along with my mostly daily gym regimen, I should be losing something right? lol I mean besides money...
07 May 2009
06 May 2009
Just got back from Thing 2's "Poetry Slam" for school. It was very nice. Kinda mad that they left the lights off the whole time, video suffered for it, but alas, what can you do? is the video of Thing 2 reading her original poem in front of the ENTIRE 1st grade AND their families! She was so brave!
28 April 2009
26 April 2009
My Weekend
This weekend was probably one of the best in quite a long while. The weather was awesome! The kids pretty much behaved, and bonus, got to spend one day with the hubster!
Let's see...Friday:
First of the nice days. You already know how it went really, during the afternoon I took the girls over to Ft. Foster. Lovely. Then we came home and I made blue cheese garlic burgers on the grill, mmm were they good! Got caught up on a few shows with the hubster, and oh yea, hubby and thing 2 went out on a motorcycle ride together for about 2 hours. All in all a real nice day.
Hubsters actually had the whole day off! No phone calls or anything! So, we got up, to beautiful 87 degree weather, and went out to lunch at Wings Your Way over in North Hampton (really good food). After lunch, went to mini- golf (or, as we refer to it in our home putt putt). I sadly came in second, but I still think he cheated. Bonus though, every single one of us had a hole in one! After putt putt, got the girls milkshakes (we were still full from lunch, but you know kids and ice cream) and picked up the dog, and went over to Ft. Foster again for a walk. Horrible stupid lady there, did not have her dog on a leash and then got all bitchy when I told her there is a leash law for a reason, unless you would like my dog to eat yours...Seriously. Pooch is not viscous (as you all know) but when a strange dog runs over towards her "pups" the teeth come out, and rightly so. That's why we have her, to protect us and be a part of our family. So follow the rules and control your dog, freak! Climbed on the rocks and had a nice time. Came home and vegged, cooked shrimp on the barbie, but no one ate cause we had such a big lunch and then were out in the hot sun all day, really zaps the appetite. Had fun, went to bed fairly early.
Sunday (today):
Hubster unfortunately had the dudes, but me and the kiddos went down to the zoo to meet some friends. Traffic down sucked bad ass. And did I mention it was 98 degrees today?! Yeah, you are telling me! Still in April and that hot, crazy! Zoo was hot and crowded. Left and had a picnic lunch in the park, then ventured home. Yay for me the kids go back to school tomorrow, so bed came early. Now I am just waiting to switch over the laundry and I am off to dreamland myself. My knees are killing me though. Been scarfing down Alieve like Pez candy the past few days. Boy, I guess I really should start wearing my braces, but you know I am a rebel like that. Nothing an ice cold Pina Colada won't fix!
So, all in all a super duper weekend. Hopefully the shop will call sometime this week so I can pick up my baby. Could have used the sunroof today that's for sure! Have to go in sometime this week to fill out my work papers (couldn't go last week caused I spaced when I made the appointment, forgot the kids were off). And yeah, hopefully start reading Twilight too. That's it.
Let's see...Friday:
First of the nice days. You already know how it went really, during the afternoon I took the girls over to Ft. Foster. Lovely. Then we came home and I made blue cheese garlic burgers on the grill, mmm were they good! Got caught up on a few shows with the hubster, and oh yea, hubby and thing 2 went out on a motorcycle ride together for about 2 hours. All in all a real nice day.
Hubsters actually had the whole day off! No phone calls or anything! So, we got up, to beautiful 87 degree weather, and went out to lunch at Wings Your Way over in North Hampton (really good food). After lunch, went to mini- golf (or, as we refer to it in our home putt putt). I sadly came in second, but I still think he cheated. Bonus though, every single one of us had a hole in one! After putt putt, got the girls milkshakes (we were still full from lunch, but you know kids and ice cream) and picked up the dog, and went over to Ft. Foster again for a walk. Horrible stupid lady there, did not have her dog on a leash and then got all bitchy when I told her there is a leash law for a reason, unless you would like my dog to eat yours...Seriously. Pooch is not viscous (as you all know) but when a strange dog runs over towards her "pups" the teeth come out, and rightly so. That's why we have her, to protect us and be a part of our family. So follow the rules and control your dog, freak! Climbed on the rocks and had a nice time. Came home and vegged, cooked shrimp on the barbie, but no one ate cause we had such a big lunch and then were out in the hot sun all day, really zaps the appetite. Had fun, went to bed fairly early.
Sunday (today):
Hubster unfortunately had the dudes, but me and the kiddos went down to the zoo to meet some friends. Traffic down sucked bad ass. And did I mention it was 98 degrees today?! Yeah, you are telling me! Still in April and that hot, crazy! Zoo was hot and crowded. Left and had a picnic lunch in the park, then ventured home. Yay for me the kids go back to school tomorrow, so bed came early. Now I am just waiting to switch over the laundry and I am off to dreamland myself. My knees are killing me though. Been scarfing down Alieve like Pez candy the past few days. Boy, I guess I really should start wearing my braces, but you know I am a rebel like that. Nothing an ice cold Pina Colada won't fix!
So, all in all a super duper weekend. Hopefully the shop will call sometime this week so I can pick up my baby. Could have used the sunroof today that's for sure! Have to go in sometime this week to fill out my work papers (couldn't go last week caused I spaced when I made the appointment, forgot the kids were off). And yeah, hopefully start reading Twilight too. That's it.
24 April 2009
Sunny Days, sweeping the clouds away...
Girls on a petrified tree at Ft. Foster in Maine. Very nice area!
Caitie playing on the rocks at one of the beaches at Ft. Foster. It was such a wonderful day weather wise that we decided to get out of the house and go do something fun!
This was a really neat looking tree, so I took a picture!
Ha ha! I got to put them in "jail"
It was a very nice day. We will have to go back again soon!
Oh and yea have at it, miss "date nazi" I know you want too! That's why I love ya ;)
23 April 2009
Spring Break killing me! Why oh why do children need to have SO MANY days off? I am drained now, and yes it is Thursday, so I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, but still. The house is a wreck, my nerves are shot and they have eaten us out of house and home! But man they sure are having a great time!
Today actually we are going to work on thing 2's character project for school. She has to make a costume or something, have to read the paper on it. Then hopefully I can get some laundry done, and cleaning a bit. Saturday is floor cleaning day (meaning mopping) but it would be nice to get everything else done today (we shall see).
The week has been horrible, rainy and gloomy so far. Woke up this morning to some sunshine, which is a nice change. Possibly even let the kids go out and play today after chores are finished.
Oh, almost forgot, watched Twilight last night. It was good! Now I am excited to read the book. Even the hubster enjoyed the movie, and thing 1 said it was the best movie she has ever seen...well at least until the new HP movie come out anyhow!
So that is us for now. Hubster has the dudes today, fun! Maybe we will go down for DQ for a sundae for a treat! OK, off to clean, or try to at least!
Today actually we are going to work on thing 2's character project for school. She has to make a costume or something, have to read the paper on it. Then hopefully I can get some laundry done, and cleaning a bit. Saturday is floor cleaning day (meaning mopping) but it would be nice to get everything else done today (we shall see).
The week has been horrible, rainy and gloomy so far. Woke up this morning to some sunshine, which is a nice change. Possibly even let the kids go out and play today after chores are finished.
Oh, almost forgot, watched Twilight last night. It was good! Now I am excited to read the book. Even the hubster enjoyed the movie, and thing 1 said it was the best movie she has ever seen...well at least until the new HP movie come out anyhow!
So that is us for now. Hubster has the dudes today, fun! Maybe we will go down for DQ for a sundae for a treat! OK, off to clean, or try to at least!
18 April 2009
Baby sitting duty!
Well, I decided today, that since I am looking after my kids and a friends tonight, that we would do something fun. So me, trying to be a "good mom" took all 3 kids to the movies. Sat through Dragonball Evolution~surprisingly not a bad movie! Then we ventures over to TGI Friday's for dinner, then went up to York Beach to walk around a bit. Lasted about 5 minutes before the kids were too cold (bunch of whiners lol) and loaded back up and came home. Now they are watching HalloweenTown High on Disney, and then off to bed. Can't wait to get the scoop on how Sub ball went, and to see what the glasses are this year (I have a small collection of them, even though I have yet to actually go to one).
Hubby will be home early in the morning from duty, and we are planning a lazy day of nothing for tomorrow. It is supposed to be crappy out anyhow, so maybe I will get started on reading this month's selection for book club (Twilight). I am excited to read it, been wanting too for awhile now, but just had not found the time. I guess I am in need of a few rainy days!
Oh, and did I mention yesterday that I got a job?! So happy. I will be working at Home Instead Senior Care. Yes, I enjoy the work very much, and I can sure use the check. Got my TB test done, have to get it read on Monday. Well, that's all she wrote. Truly I am a very boring person, so sometimes I second guess my grand idea of even doing a blog, but it is therapeutic to an extent, just have to learn how to type a little better!
Hmm, now I think Runescape is calling to me, gotta finish hubby's quest I started for him. Have a good night!
Hubby will be home early in the morning from duty, and we are planning a lazy day of nothing for tomorrow. It is supposed to be crappy out anyhow, so maybe I will get started on reading this month's selection for book club (Twilight). I am excited to read it, been wanting too for awhile now, but just had not found the time. I guess I am in need of a few rainy days!
Oh, and did I mention yesterday that I got a job?! So happy. I will be working at Home Instead Senior Care. Yes, I enjoy the work very much, and I can sure use the check. Got my TB test done, have to get it read on Monday. Well, that's all she wrote. Truly I am a very boring person, so sometimes I second guess my grand idea of even doing a blog, but it is therapeutic to an extent, just have to learn how to type a little better!
Hmm, now I think Runescape is calling to me, gotta finish hubby's quest I started for him. Have a good night!
17 April 2009
Am I in Flordia??
Cause it FEELS like I am! I would have never guessed that in the middle of April, in Maine, that it would be 71 degrees with a slight breeze! Mind you, I am not complaining ONE BIT! But is it weird or what? Today was so nice, so beautiful, it was one of those "perfect" days in your life that you wish you could just relish for eternity...
Plus, I got an out of the blue phone call this mid morning....Got offered a job that I had applied for several months ago! So excited! Of course, it is not at the pay scale that I want, but it is a job, so I am happy! I must tell you that I love my family and all that goes along with taking care of a family 24/7, but really, deep down, I am one of those people that has to work to be happy. Whatever you may think of it, I believe that i function best when I am working. I am not talking 40 hours a week or anything like that, but I do thrive when I am out on my own and making an income (no matter how small). I guess I just feel accomplished, maybe? oh well.
Anyhow, so after I got hat call, I headed over to the NACC for a TB test (required for the job) and a work physical. After 3 attempts, the stupid corpsman *finally* got the test right. Looking at my left arm, you would think that I am a leper! Neither here nor there I suppose, test is done, have to go back on Monday for the read. Then on Tuesday I have to go into the main office to fill out the paperwork and finalize my schedule. I need to find a babysitter up here..anyone know of one?? I think I will call on a few favors owed to me and it will be alright (I hope). It would not be so bad, but today was the last day of school for the girls ( we get our spring break a week after the rest of the world apparently). FUN!!!!
Ugh, now I am just rambling. This is what you get when you want me to blog everyday! No, no I digress...It was a beautiful day, even a perfect day really and so I only hope that it gets to 50% of what we had today, tomorrow! We shall see. I hope the weekend is wonderful. Mine will be I am sure!
Plus, I got an out of the blue phone call this mid morning....Got offered a job that I had applied for several months ago! So excited! Of course, it is not at the pay scale that I want, but it is a job, so I am happy! I must tell you that I love my family and all that goes along with taking care of a family 24/7, but really, deep down, I am one of those people that has to work to be happy. Whatever you may think of it, I believe that i function best when I am working. I am not talking 40 hours a week or anything like that, but I do thrive when I am out on my own and making an income (no matter how small). I guess I just feel accomplished, maybe? oh well.
Anyhow, so after I got hat call, I headed over to the NACC for a TB test (required for the job) and a work physical. After 3 attempts, the stupid corpsman *finally* got the test right. Looking at my left arm, you would think that I am a leper! Neither here nor there I suppose, test is done, have to go back on Monday for the read. Then on Tuesday I have to go into the main office to fill out the paperwork and finalize my schedule. I need to find a babysitter up here..anyone know of one?? I think I will call on a few favors owed to me and it will be alright (I hope). It would not be so bad, but today was the last day of school for the girls ( we get our spring break a week after the rest of the world apparently). FUN!!!!
Ugh, now I am just rambling. This is what you get when you want me to blog everyday! No, no I digress...It was a beautiful day, even a perfect day really and so I only hope that it gets to 50% of what we had today, tomorrow! We shall see. I hope the weekend is wonderful. Mine will be I am sure!
16 April 2009
A calm day
Pretty much the title says it all. Had thing 2's ptc bright and early at 7:45am, all is well, we are keeping her on track. Not really wanting to go down the medication road at this point, and her teacher agrees with me, but if/when we get to the fork in the road, I guess I will look into it again. Then off to do my weekly volunteering at NMCRS. Office was dead, had some nice conversation with the colonel, caught up on my "official" email. Next stop was the SUPER wally world to get provisions for dinner tonight. Hubby had requested crab legs, which is a-ok by me, also got some shrimpers for cocktail and some stuffed clams to go along with them. Then got home, caught up on some more email, got my first "official" call of business (woohoo lol) all went smoothly. Then the monsters got home from school and now I am on here. It is nice out today, a bit windy but sunny. I have heard it is supposed to be in the 70's tomorrow but I will believe that when I feel it! Other than that, nothing going on. Thursdays are kind of depressing now that I don't have ER to look forward to. I hope at least one of the shows I watch is not a repeat, other wise I might get done with my new crochet project sooner than anticipated (doing a throw, wonder who is gonna get it in the mail as a surprise present???). Oh well, 1600, gonna go relax for a few before I get into the full swing of dinner mode, kids playing outside, get to be mr meanie when I call them in to clean the bedrooms!
15 April 2009
Today is the day
I am so nervous! I know there is no reason that I should be, but I am. Today at 1200 I will OFFICIALLY take over as the ombudsman for my husband's boat. God I hope I don't screw up! Anyhow that is all. I know I have been horrible about updating, but I am making a vow that I will try to get on here everyday and post something, lord knows I am going to need a stress relieving outlet here soon! Have a beautiful day!
22 March 2009
Fed Up
I am sick. Very sick. You know what I am sick of? The God damn politics happening in Washington these days. I am sick of hearing people throwing out the word Recession. I am sick of grown men and women who are supposed to be intelligent, making the most stupid decisions I have ever seen! Yes, I am a Republican. I will say it loud and proud. I am disgusted by the way the so called government thinks it should step in and save failing companies! Any company. I don't care if it is the local mom and pop store, a big auto group or a bank. Excuse my language, but fuck them! In a free market system, business succeed and fail, period. End of story. Yes, life may suck for some if Ford goes under, bu you know what? Then that would create a vacuum and some other company would step into it's place and things continue. Get a life, this whole thing pisses me off to no end. It puts a mood on the "masses" to make them all act like idiots. I saw a news report awhile back about people who are ABLE to pay their mortgages NOT paying them, because UNDER THE ADVICE OF THE BANK when they wanted to "get a good deal" STOPPED BEING RESPONSIBLE CITIZENS TO GET A BETTER INTEREST RATE! WTF? Are you kidding me? You are fully capable of paying your bills on time and in full but don't cause you feel jipped and want to get in on the handout help? Come on, grow up. People wonder what the problem of this country is. I will tell you. It is this attitude that we are entitled to something and don't have to work or save to get anything. I am scared for the future of MY children because the generation coming up (the college kids, high school students) have this mentality that they should. Not that they could, if they work hard and make the right choices, but that since they they were born, it is their right. I am sorry, there is nowhere in the Bill of Rights that says that. Have they stopped teaching American History in school? I try to instill good values and ethics onto my children, and I will continue to do so. Working against me though is Washington. If your company is going under, bu-bye! If your stocks are tanking, ciao! If you lost your job, uh go find another. Trust me, all of us have been there. What makes you so special that you get extended unemployment benefits, whereas, I was offered a pittance of $30 a week when I lost my job? And that was before taxes! How are you so special that you can use your government funds, in the form of food stamps to go buy food, that is neither, nutritionally applicable to a ROCK let alone a human being, and then to say you have TOO MUCH food, and are giving it to people who have no need of assistance?? I found something one time that brought up a good point. Why are we as job seekers and tax payers put through drug testing for employment to be able to make money to pay our taxes, yet those who stand in line for government assistance do not go through any sort of screening at all? Think about do we know where our tax money is going? How do we know that Joe Schmoe is going to Shaw's and buying food to feed his family, and not buying food to sell to make money for his drug habit? There are some serious fundamental flaws in the system. Especially when Unions are calling the shots, but I digress, Unions is a WHOLE nother ring of Hell that I just don't want to get into today. I am upset and angry and I want to know what I can do to change the future that my children will be inheriting. Makes me sick just to think about it. Oh, and I also would like all those people who have no idea what the hell is going on, but yet seem to be the ones the media flocks to for interview and/or opinion to GO BACK TO YOU TRAILER PARK AND SHUT THE FUCK UP. Yes, I am stereotyping, and I don't care. But you know I am right. Phew, that was a nice tangent.
01 March 2009
Welcome March
So what do we get the first day of the wonderful month of March? Friggin snow, again, like always. Now I know, you can say "well, what do you expect?" and I can say, it could at least make up it's gosh darn mind! I mean, one day its 60 and sunny, barely a need for a sweater, then the next it is basically a white out! Oy vey, come on. I love winter, and it's friend snow as much as an Eskimo, but this is starting to get annoying!
On the positive side, we had a great dinner tonight. Made our own homemade pizzas. Love Boboli. Thing 1 made a sausage, pepperoni and black olive. It was yummy. Thing 2 stuck to her all-time fave black olive. Then Thing 2 made us a pizza (I know, what were we thinking!) that had mushrooms, sausage, black olive, garlic, feta and pepperoni on it. To every one's surprise, it was very tasty!
Now, I am wondering if I should brave the elements and go out for my evening cancer stick or if I should just call it a night and stay in where it is warm? lol I can tell you I did not have to think about that too long!
Hopefully tomorrow the snow will end since I have some running around to do and the hubby is taking the truck, so I will be left with the little car. Fun fun fun!
Night all!
On the positive side, we had a great dinner tonight. Made our own homemade pizzas. Love Boboli. Thing 1 made a sausage, pepperoni and black olive. It was yummy. Thing 2 stuck to her all-time fave black olive. Then Thing 2 made us a pizza (I know, what were we thinking!) that had mushrooms, sausage, black olive, garlic, feta and pepperoni on it. To every one's surprise, it was very tasty!
Now, I am wondering if I should brave the elements and go out for my evening cancer stick or if I should just call it a night and stay in where it is warm? lol I can tell you I did not have to think about that too long!
Hopefully tomorrow the snow will end since I have some running around to do and the hubby is taking the truck, so I will be left with the little car. Fun fun fun!
Night all!
26 February 2009
On this day...
....9 years ago, I became a mother for the first time in my life. I am in shock! First, I still cannot believe that i am OLD enough to be a mother to a 9 year old! Second, I am in disbelief that my baby is growing up so fast! I can remember her being so tiny (well, relatively, she was almost 10 pounds and 26 inches long at birth) and helpless, and now Thing 1 is little miss ATTITUDE!
Needless to say, she had a wonderful celebration of her birthday. She got her favorite meal for dinner, and her requested cake, and of course, presents! Sure, dad got all the kudos, cause his present was the best in her eyes, but what can you do?
I love my baby, and I am sure I will be the mother crying her eyes out at high school graduation wishing' my little bundle of joy was taking her first steps instead of getting ready to leave the nest and venture out on her own. Oh, the joys of parenthood.
Happy Birthday Honey, I love you with all my heart. You are growing up so would not hurt my feelings at all if you slowed down just a tad!
Love you with all of my heart,
Needless to say, she had a wonderful celebration of her birthday. She got her favorite meal for dinner, and her requested cake, and of course, presents! Sure, dad got all the kudos, cause his present was the best in her eyes, but what can you do?
I love my baby, and I am sure I will be the mother crying her eyes out at high school graduation wishing' my little bundle of joy was taking her first steps instead of getting ready to leave the nest and venture out on her own. Oh, the joys of parenthood.
Happy Birthday Honey, I love you with all my heart. You are growing up so would not hurt my feelings at all if you slowed down just a tad!
Love you with all of my heart,
18 February 2009
13 February 2009
Sorry about the MIA
Well, I know I have been horrible about keeping up with posting, but I have a great excuse! The family has been under the weather, and of course life gets in the way as well. I promise, today and/or this weekend, I will be adding new posts. There has been a bunch of craziness around here, and I can't wait to get the time to update you all!
03 February 2009
News that makes me happy, I am so going to hell!

Then I find out, oh you're not as "cool" as you think we think you are! Yea that's right, people talk, and things get found out. Sucks don't it? Unfortunately for me, I AM THE BIGGER PERSON so I WON'T say anything to anyone. Can I say the same thing if the situation was reversed? Honestly, no I don't think I could. You, P, are the type of person who would go gossiping to every last person in your phone book to share this juicy information if the roles were switched. The sad thing is, I feel sorry for you. I genuinely feel bad for your current situation and I hope it gets better. Yes, and if you even asked for my help or guidance, I would offer what I could to assist you. Whatever, now I know that you are not what you think you are and that everything you are is smoke and mirrors. Live with that, and wonder why I am smirking when I see you.
02 February 2009
Go Steelers!
Well I have to say, I am glad that this gets to be my first post into the world of blogging! I watched the game last night, and now I am so tired that I cannot even stand it! Being born and raised in Pittsburgh, football (especially Steelers football) is in my blood. Wish I could have been in town for the parties that I am are still going on even as I type this entry! I am so happy that the home team won! Very proud of our guys, they deserve it!
So, me and the hubby threw a Super Bowl party last night, had about 15 people over and ate ourselves silly, and drank ourselves blind! Why does the Super Bowl have to be on a Sunday? We have to get up early on Monday and go to work, the kids have to get off to school, and people have to travel. Would it not make sense that a huge sporting event as this could be an exception to the regular schedule and be held say Friday night? Hell, even Saturday Night? Makes sense to me! That way you can stay up all night partying away the night, and not have to worry about work or school, and just have a great time? I need to put that little tidbit of information into the ears of the powers that be! Wow, every once in awhile I get a great thought! Any who, back tot eh party...we had so much food it was crazy! Hot wings, pepperoni bread, ribs, chili, cheese fondue, chocolate fondue, chips and dips of many different varieties....and I completely forgot to even make the lil' smokies and Velveeta cheese dip! Mmmm, it was tasty and now we will be eating leftovers for a month! I went all out too. Got out my Super Bowl Box (yes I have one of those) and got out the beads and leis, crepe paper, balloons, clappers, terrible towels, pom poms...Everything completely decked out in black and gold. We even had a score poll and won $15 out of it too!
Needless to say I was very happy with it, had a great time with good friends, and to top it all off, the Steelers pulled it off and won the 6th ring to add to their collection! Way to Go Steelers!
So, me and the hubby threw a Super Bowl party last night, had about 15 people over and ate ourselves silly, and drank ourselves blind! Why does the Super Bowl have to be on a Sunday? We have to get up early on Monday and go to work, the kids have to get off to school, and people have to travel. Would it not make sense that a huge sporting event as this could be an exception to the regular schedule and be held say Friday night? Hell, even Saturday Night? Makes sense to me! That way you can stay up all night partying away the night, and not have to worry about work or school, and just have a great time? I need to put that little tidbit of information into the ears of the powers that be! Wow, every once in awhile I get a great thought! Any who, back tot eh party...we had so much food it was crazy! Hot wings, pepperoni bread, ribs, chili, cheese fondue, chocolate fondue, chips and dips of many different varieties....and I completely forgot to even make the lil' smokies and Velveeta cheese dip! Mmmm, it was tasty and now we will be eating leftovers for a month! I went all out too. Got out my Super Bowl Box (yes I have one of those) and got out the beads and leis, crepe paper, balloons, clappers, terrible towels, pom poms...Everything completely decked out in black and gold. We even had a score poll and won $15 out of it too!
Needless to say I was very happy with it, had a great time with good friends, and to top it all off, the Steelers pulled it off and won the 6th ring to add to their collection! Way to Go Steelers!
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